Corrie Painter, Ph.D.

Vice President of External Research & Partnerships, Precede Biosciences

Corrie Painter serves as the VP of External Research & Partnerships at Precede Biosciences, an early-stage liquid biopsy company. She spearheads research and collaborations aimed at optimizing a groundbreaking liquid biopsy technology, which analyzes circulating chromatin from plasma to enhance patient outcomes. Painter is the former Deputy Director of Count Me In, a patient-partnered genomics initiative of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. A trained research scientist with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, Painter co-developed and oversaw the creation of a nation-wide clinico-genomics data platform built in lockstep with the community of cancer patients reflected in each study. Painter co-founded Angiosarcoma Awareness, an organization dedicated to promoting research and awareness surrounding this exceedingly rare cancer.